
By dsyglsy

stained glass...

today was the first day of the stained glass workshop I'm doing...and it's ace! I'm really enjoying it - and trying to make a panel that looks old and traditional. I've used muted colours and a simple design...here it is at the leading stage. I think I'll be buying all the tools so that I can make some panels for the house...and who knows, I might make some things to sell on my stalls in the future. I'm finding that there's not really enough hours in a day to do all the things I want to though...

the other great thing that happened today - I got the national theatre for scotland brochure through the post that features one of my blips. I'm so pleased that mine was chosen as one of the group of blips to be included. Have a look at the brochure here - mine's the cloud in the 'dunsinane' section. the letter that I got with the brochure was lovely too.

so, now I'm spending the evening with daisy, watching tv and eating minstrels - peggy is having a sleepover at her auntie g's and betty is at a friends for a sleepover (probably with no sleep involved). and b is off being a rock star in town after being hairy-poppins all day...

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