
By dsyglsy

first bike ride of the year

here are some of the questions peggy has asked me today:

? what do strangers do when they stand still?
? what do foxes do when they crawl?
? do hamsters wear roller-skates? (well, she actually said roller-skapes)

...answers on a postcard please!

...and when I asked her what she had for snack at nuesery, she said haggis with squashed potatoes.

it was such a lovely day today - but it was a challenge to get motivated to do anything. we decided that a bike ride would be good so we went for it. I had to wipe about an inch of shed-o-death dust off our bikes...but in the end it was a short trip because our fingers froze. this view reminded me of last summer - 2010 was definitely the year of the bike and we seemed to go on hundreds of bike rides because peggy learned to ride hers. she was a bit rusty today...but I have a feeling that we're going to be cycling a lot this year.

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