
By lifeandstuff

check, mate.

"We can do no great things, only small things with great love. " ~Mother Teresa

I wasnt feeling very inspired blipwise today. I was tired and ever so slightly hungover under the weather. :)
So, we have hubby's chess board. He plays everyday, and occasionally has folk over to play. Rock n roll. but, they are shiney, :-)

Had quite a sad day today. A girl in work opened up to me with some troubles, to say the least. we are a very close team, and hate when one of them is having a hard time, like this girl. I felt completely useless, as there was nothing I could do about this problem. I like to fix things, finding solutions to the things they tell me about, but there was nothing I could do about this one, so feel a little sad about it. am sure she will sort it out. I just dont like not being able to do it for them.

Home, after supermarketing, (what else to do on a Saturday night?) nice Jamie inspired tea with hubby, wee one in bed, and looking forward to the idea of a day off tomorrow. Hope all have had a good day! :-)

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