Let's Hop The Atlantic

By spav

Off Yonge Street

A rather unsuccessful photo (I'm still hindered by the fact blipfoto won't let me upload landscape photos) but it goes some way to showing what the little side streets in the more grungey areas look like.
Wednesday I had a pretty good French class where we looked at African Francophone cinema in the University College computer lab and the girl sitting next to me turned out to have heard of me through the Vic grapevine. Communities get increasingly smaller and people getting worryingly familiar. I have had many coincidences like that in the past week or so.
After class I was in a contemplative mood and decided to walk under the mural bridge, past Queens Park and through to Yonge just for a change. It feels really liberating to walk around a city so big on your own, knowing vaguely the direction you want to take.

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