My Year in Pictures

By jenny

Bubbles #2

I'm having so much fun experimenting!!!!

Did loads of reading this morning of "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson as recommended by horrigans - such a great book and my understanding went up several notches this morning - though whether or not this translates into practical understanding will remain to be seen!

James suggested blipping one of the fish that is very inquisitive of us - but he was very un-inquisitive when I was there :(

However the air bubbles were fab - so following on from Bubbles #1 the other day, I thought I'd experiment to see if I could capture them - bit of challenge as to cope with the high shutter speed the ISO was a top whack so all rather grainy - but rather liked how it turned out.

Then had the mad idea of putting a tulip in the bubbles - had to okay it with James first - and then remove the stamens - and here you go!

Bubbles only version here!

And the triptych suggested by tadpole here!

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