As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM


Back to the flowers tonight - no bunny masks today alas but I have at least spent some time stitching up two huge chunks of net into skirts so maybe I'll come up with a new outfit combo sometime soon....

Meanwhile my Alstroemeria are still doing well - just starting to go but a few days left in them yet. I took a large assortment of shots - some whole stems like this, others really close up more abstract type shots. I thought I'd stick with the more generally acceptable shot tonight.

As ever I've tweaked it a bit - my favourite Lucisart Whyeth although as usual it didn't really need it - I just like the extra detail it pulls out.

Winding down now - a coffee by my side, Antiques Roadshow on in the background and a small article on flower photos to write later on - if I can get my act together!

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