The Corner of Your Heart

By LifeInEveryWord


My friends organized a small get together to celebrate my friend Mia's 18th birthday tonight
Of course, it backfired a teensy bit
They tricked her to my friend Casey's house by telling her that she had to pick Casey up in order to go see the movie Juno
But by the time Mia arrived at Casey's house, she was a bit disappointed that she wouldn't get to see the movie. So, because it's her birthday (almost) we decided to celebrate for 3 hours or so and then go out to a later showing of the movie
Which leads me to my next little rant

It's cheesy, yes, but you're the Paulie to my Juno
You don't understand how incredibly happy I am just being around you
And I know that there's a good chance this will get both of us in a whole lot of trouble
But at this point, I don't care
You were the person I kept thinking about through every scene
When my dad compared you to Paulie I thought to myself "In more ways than you'd think"
Because besides being a bit awkward and perhaps a tad naive, you are one of the sweetest and most caring people I have ever encountered
Even if I'm being a complete and utter jerk, you're still there. You don't give up on me.
And I could never understand why
I've noticed that I smile most when I'm around you. Just because you are an amazing friend
And I'm sorry if I've made things awkward for you. I never intended for that to happen
I want you to be comfortable around me, as I've always been around you
Because you seem to get me
What can I say, kiddo?
You're the cheese to my macaroni

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