I feel infinite.

By racheelz

My Day in a Photo

Reading, piano, and baking cookies. That's basically all I did this lovely "Sun"day. The sun came out today after a week of gray skies. There was light streaming into my house! So much so that it actually felt like summer, from the inside of course. Can't get my hopes up for warm weather yet; winters usually last until March or even April here in Michigan.

Anyway, I have a 150 page reading assignment for English that I just so happened to start today. Why is it that every time I read, I find myself asleep afterward? Haha oops. I also baked some nice honey oatmeal cookies to satisfy my recent "junk food" cravings. Other than that, I've been practicing piano. I had a rehearsal this morning because I'm accompanying another person for this weekend's solo and ensemble. I also have to play at S&E this weekend along with another piano federation. This week will consist of three piano lessons and the memorization of three songs, including my concerto. I'll be sitting in front of the piano a lot, to say the least.

So here's the book I'm reading with my plate of cookies on top of my piano. Perfect depiction of my day! And Second semester starts tomorrow..I'm officially a second semester senior. :)

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