What's up today?

By sabby

And so, the bugging continues..

It was extremely late for work just now! It was raining n traffic was horrible! Not on the main roads but those near schools. I had to send Sara to the bus stop where mom waits instead.

Work was ok. There is this 1 Temp staff I can't wait for him to stop. So much for being committed. Big words but no action. Good luck in life dude.

While at work, I received calls from a really weird number. It's 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0. I googled abt it and it seems like it's a proofing number. Alot say no need answer. I'm just afraid I'll be charged if I answer. So let's see it it calls again. Hmm.. The ring?

I am so tired now and Sara is wide awake. She slept in the car and so which means later bed time for me.

Hoping tonight will be a better night. I just wanna sleep!

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