The fool on the hill

By mooncoin

Ode to Cam Long Down

Oh cammy down so long and misty
How 'er the road to you is twisty
Wither the yonder birds do...

Whoa! Hold on. Enough of this... I urgently need voice my disgruntlement at the whining twits voicing their displeasure and pleading poverty due to the forthcoming reduction in the higher rate tax threshold. Today I heard an evidently stupid bint on the radio with an £800 pound per month mortgage and a take home monthly pay of £2800 saying with a sob in her voice that she didn't know how she and her boyfriend were going to manage what with the fuel increase and the way food is going up and how perfume is currently sky rocketing (okay she didn't mention the perfume) and how everything was just terrible for them. Well northern lady if you read this - I think you are just too thick and self obsessed to merit that sort of income.
Okay, carry on...

But nether oft those country roads
Do pass by bridge and sign to Throck
And ridgeless forms away do punter
Upon the soft green chiving hunter.

Away away thou cammy down of longness.
Away away.
'Er more we see those nether regions dock'd

Sorry I had to miss the middle 6 verses.

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