
By Fisherking

Madness, madness, they call it madness............

English football has finally gone totally mad today.

One club has paid £35 000 000 (35MILLION!!!!!!) for a player who has spent 5 seasons at another club as a forward and has averaged 6.2 goals per season!

The same club has sold a forward player to another club for £50 000 000(50 MILLION!!!!!!).
Said player has been at club 1 for 4 years and has averaged 16.2 goals per season.!

Both players are currently injured and unable to play!

It's totally out of control!

On another front we're not talking about the quiz tonight. We lost again, this time by 42-50, with another set of warped questions.

You want to know some of the ones we faced tonight?

1. Which country was originally known as Trans Dniester?
2. In 1912 who wrote the tone poem "On hearing the first cuckoo of Spring"? (This was supposed to be the easy 1 point question in the stick or twist round)
3. Which company began life as a paper manufacturer in 1865, branched out into electrical generation in 1902 and now has a third incarnation.?
4 Jungendstill is the German name for which French art movement?

The opponents got
1. The Orkhon is the major river of which country which before the break up of the USSR was the world's largest landlocked country?
2. Springfield is the capital of which U.S. state?
3. Which Italian motor manufacturer began life building tractors and retains the Bull as its symbol?
4.Which art style was pioneered by Georges Braque and Picasso?

We only got number 4 of ours right, and only because Lee and I pooled our meagre German, they got all of theirs right except for number 2.

1. Moldova
2. Delius
3. Nokia.
4. Art Nouveau

1. Mongolia
2. Illinois
3. Lambhorgini
4. Cubism.

Das vidanya, I'm off to drink large quantities of vodka!

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