
By Fisherking

.....Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum....

Ok, ok technically it should be dark rum, but we haven't got any, and any way rum's rum!

This was a christmas present for the Daughter........the bag not the rum.......from herself to herself! Apparently it's the 'in thing' for carrying your lunch to work. I bought one for the Boss which has "My little lunch bag!!!" emblazoned on it.

It would be no good me having one, apart from the fact that I'd look a right girly, I don't have time for a decent lunch...well not if I want a fag with hebs too.Today I have had to redo a timetable that I only completed on Monday, because the number of pupils going out for two weeks work experience keeps changing. Now all I have to do is another timetable for year 8 pupils not going out workshadowing next Thursday, mark 5 sets of books, plan next weeks lessons and catch up on my forms attendance and punctuality.


There was a strange incident near work today......a guy attempted suicide...some of our staff were involved in saving him. I tell you, I wanted a quiet year this year......bloody hell it's only just gone into February and already I've had Dad's operation cancelled involving me in a more than 200 mile round trip for nothing, then the shock of Geoff's passing and now an attempted suicide. I feel like going to bed and sleeping until June.

Any way as we pirates say........"Shiver me timbers, splice the mainbrace and avast ye scurvy dogs!"

No I don't know what it means either but I'm sure one of them must be about drinking so I think it's time for Captain Jack to put in an appearance!

Das vidanya me hearties!

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