Get Back to Me

By GetBacktoMe

"My Poor Paw"

From the mouth of Twesel the dog...

" It's a dog's life this blipping lark, my walks a constantly interrupted by my mum getting her camera out and telling me to 'sit!' "

"Yesterday, mum let me off my lead while she snapped some trees with beards and catkins. - You'd better have a look, because she was quite pleased with them!"

"Anyway, although I'm a dog of little brain, I knew it was the last day of the shooting season, so I set off to flush out a pheasant or two from some game cover and chase them across the bean field into the woods."

"I could hear my mum calling, but ignored her for a while, then my foot hurt a bit, so I went back. I had lots of mud in my paws and a sharp stone got stuck in it. With all that running the flint had cut my paw badly and I was bleeding faster than I could lick"

"Mum made me walk home and then she washed my foot, and put some sticky stuff on it, but still it hurt"

"We decided to phone my mum's own puppy girl, Kate who works at that garage where they repair cats and rabbits and even snakes as well as dogs."

"I had 4 injections which is far too many so I went to sleep, when I woke up Emily the vet girl had knitted my foot with needles and string and puppy girl Kate bandaged me up so I couldn't chew the stitches."

"Now I have yummy sweets with my tea and wear a plastic boot to go for a walk - but mum won't let me off my lead"

"I am trying to be good, but it's a dog's life"

"I chose this blip because in the one mum liked I was having a bad hair day"

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