Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

Big Feet

I had a business trip to Darlington today on the train. It was quite nice to spend a bit of time reading and relaxing, and I wished I had my camera with me when we passed The Angel of the North. But I didn't!

I was sad to be away from H though as she up half the night with her Daddy and her temperature had reached 40.2, so he didn't want to let her go to sleep until it had come down. He took her to the doctors today who said it was viral but after listening to her chest prescribed antibiotics for her cough (although I personally think she barely has a cough!). She doesn't like the antibiotics though and hasn't kept any of them down.

She was up very late tonight, playing around, not wanting to sleep, but I didn't mind as I hoped it would mean she would tire herself out and sleep through the night. We cancelled her Granny coming to look after her and I will take the day off to be with poor H. She eventually went to bed at 11.00pm.

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