As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


So, this morning started off interestingly enough. As we were getting in the car to go to school, a woman drove up to us and asked if we knew anyone that had a pug. Our neighbors do, so we said yes. She thanked us and knocked on their door and asked if they had just lost their pug. Fortunately, it wasn't theirs. So she drove in the direction we were headed. She pulled over for a minute but we kept driving. When we got to the corner, we saw a woman running around and she was obviously under-dressed for the weather. I said that it might be her dog so I ran out and asked her. It turned out it was, so I ran all the way back down the block and told the woman. The woman got her dog back and everyone lived happily ever-after.

Now, back to my day...

We dissected a grasshopper in bio today. That I went to a lesson 5th with James and Allison to work on Beauty and The Beast. As we were finishing, our assistant principal, Mr. B, walked out of the music office. I've seen him around a lot lately because he was involved in my brother's Eagle Scout Project last year and has been at a bunch of ceremonies recently. He asked to borrow my cello and I let him. I always knew he played the cello, but it turns out that he's amazing! He accompanied Liz as she sang a lovely song that the title of which escapes me. I hope I can play like him one day.

I stayed after for Rube Goldberg and Science Olympiads. I got a lot of work done on fossils with Kaitlin and we built some stuff in Rube. Me, George, and Perri walked to Wendy's for dinner (once again, I didn't leave school all day). I'm pretty sure George doesn't like me but he's just trying to convince me that he's just a mean person (I don't believe it). He now refers to me as either "sassy freshman" or "sassy ginger". I fell on the way back on the ice. I didn't get hurt but it was hilarious. Previous to the fall, I spent 5 minutes helping Perri get over a hill of snow and ice in her high-heels. She didn't fall during that, but I fell walking on a flat and relatively ice-free parking lot, of course. We got back to the school and got ready for rehearsal.

We ran through Act 2 twice tonight. We sounded much better than last night. I had K-po take pictures during the second run-through. He took about 150. Now I have to delete most of them.... This was a decent one of the whole gang. We really have a great production and I'm excited/nervous for show night!

Word of the Day: Ambisinister - Clumsy or unskillful with both hands

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