Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Knife and Fork

The weather here today is horrible. Blowing a gale and the rain comin in sideways with it so I haven't ventured out yet. The afternoon is going to be spent in the company of the guy whose mum passed away on Christmas Eve. You may remember my mentioning him before. He is coming over here for coffee and to see if he can assist me with a problem I am having tuning Mrs. Joesblips' new TV into the existing digibox. I couldn't find a passing twelve year old so Eamonn is going to give it a whack.

Decided to call it a day so far as outdoor shooting is concerned so I rummaged about in my Blipbox and came up with these. Plastic cutlery. I am having terrible trouble finding this stuff in clear plastic. Have been trying to lay hold of a few in order to do some cross polarisation shots but all I can track down is coloured stuff like these. I wonder, has some great new Health and Safety Directive, dictated that in future, just to thwart me, all such stuff must be coloured in future?

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