
By Mimthing

Who else?

Would you share your 100th blipday with.

I tried last week to take 100 photo's around my tip of a garden and house.
I managed 75 and became depressed at the state we live in.
I also didn't have the time to mess around trying to turn them into some sort of montage??
I was also too deeply involved in the dreaded BOOKS!

So today I went to meet two of my favourite people, my daughter and grand-daughter.
We had coffee and a bun.
I just wanted to have a moment together, it wasn't a long moment but it did the trick and hit all the parts I needed it to.

Who else ?
I also have a husband, grandson, son-in-law, son, and nearly daughter-in-law.
None of the above could join us
That list is in no particular order, just the way my fingers hit the buttons on this horrid machine.

Collectively my husband refers to us as the eight wonders.

Happy blipday everyone.


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