simple moments

By simplemoments

neighbor helping neighbor

so the great blizzard hit... 20 some inches and still snowing in spurts here... although the sun is shining, too... yay! since the sun is out, forecasters are now calling it a ground blizzard but i don't really understand what that means. i just know it's cold and blustery - and i'm relatively snowed in at my mom's house.

the good news is that in this day and age there continues to be the neighbor who looks after the neighbor... so heartwarming - so comforting... to know that i was able to call upon dave, the guy who lives behind my mom. he comes to help take her trash to the curb on trash day - and every winter for the past two winters since my dad passed, has offered to use the snowblower on the driveway whenever necessary.

he said he always chatted with my dad about this and that.... you know how men are, they talk about sports, cars, oil changes, the weather... dave said dad mentioned having a stomach ache the week before he died.... how he couldn't believe it when my brothers then came and gave him the news. how he loved my dad like his own. i reached over and hugged him hard. he said that's why he now helps my mom. well, you don't find neighbors like this so often anymore. they are rare...

it took him 3 hours to get the whole driveway done... no complaining... no asking for anything... i offered him money... he pooh - poohed me saying don't sweat the small stuff and gave me a hug instead. i told him how grateful i was that i'd now be able to get out to visit my mom in the hospital... how blessed we are as a family, for him and his family - that they are living behind my mom. dave grinned - said we are good neighbors for each other... gotta love that!

happy day.....

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