
15 months 13 days

Its been a party day today. Her little friend Harrison turned 2 today. We all went to Montessori, including picking up little Emma and her mum. Harrison's mum had made very yummy cupcakes and the kids were all really good. They had the water trays out and the pasta tray. Katie was so confident today, wandering off and just flitting between different people and toys. We all sung to Harrison and then they got the parachute out.

We had lunch with an old friend at the garden centre. Katie was absolutely full of it, she was wandering round carrying one of the baskets and filling it with various different items, which I then had to of course return! 3 timse she went to a stand of soft toys and each time she picked out the same two and put them in her basket.

I expected her to go to sleep when we got home, and put her in her cot. There was quiet so I left her to it. ABout 15 minutes later I realised she was chattering in her cot. I left her to play in the hope she may doze off but heard a thud after about half an hour. Monkey had escaped. I fear this was a repeat of a stunt she'd tried once when Grandad babysat - she sent Monkey on a mission to search out her escape route. So I went up to find her grinning away.

We had a play for an hour or so at home, she was begging to 'fly' and bounce and chase. Her words were coming thick and fast too. She copies so many words, and then remembers them next time she sees the object/picture whatever.

late afternoon, we put her party frock on and headed to Harrison's birthday party. We stopped to drop a present to another friend, Lorna's mum who's also 2 today! The was great, the children all made scarecrow hats, then played on the soft play, ate the party tea, played pass the parcel - which ended up as simply "take the parcel to a child without a prize to open one layer". We then did a (very enthusiastic) singsong of Dingle Dangle Scarecrow. Katie was extremely pleased to receive her party bag, it was a lovely paper bag so she could carry it easily and was very proud of it. She had no interest in the contents, just carrying it round.

Today has been a good day. I look at Katie and am so very proud. I look at our life and we're so happy, and so settled, my darling girl and I, and I am incredibly looking forward to our future.

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