
By Amalarian


I have passed by this little ruin many times but today we stopped so I could get a pic of it.

Himself is a superb decoy and loves chatting up strangers. This time he distracted a neighbour who looked a bit alarmed at the sight of a camera. She had 86 years, two daughters, two granddaughters, had lived in Canada for five years, was married for 57 years and has been widowed for three. She did not, unfortunately, know anything about the little ruin.

I would love to do it up but to what end I do not know plus which the bank balance would never stand still for it. I sloped down a private path to get a look at the back of these houses. I expected to find neat and tidy gardens in the Italian manner. It was a very big surprise. The back of these houses is a tangle of growth, fences, another ruin and a single white goose that honked at me and caused curtains above to flutter. Ruin itself best seen large.

Rear view.

For the record: Sunny, + 12 C. Sunrise: 7:32; sunset 5:32. Black book of birds extracted from courier so am all set to I. D. migrant birds should one ever sit still long enough. Saw first wasp and first butterfly. It was yellow.

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