The Motley Crew!

I am pondering the differences between my ten year olds childhood and mine, as you do! This gang were the 'must have' thing a few years ago for my then 8 year old, he would have climbed Everest to get his hands on one. A few weeks later something else was the 'must have' thing and they vanished in to a box to gather dust. There is just so much going on for kids these days I wonder what they are going to hold precious in years to come? Is having too much going to mean everything is a blur?

I keep rescuing stuff from his room that I think he might find precious in years to come as he dumps and gets bored with stuff so easily. I don't remember my parents doing that for me, I did it myself and still have books and various mementos from my childhood still. When I pass these things back to him in years to come is he going to look at me like I'm an alien, or smile and remember?

I quizzed him on why the Motley Crew made an appearance again......he was bored. He's moving on the higher value commodities in the 'must have' stakes namely music, he has to take a little more care in spending and saving and figuring what he really wants. He's trying to get me to like Jay-Z, Diddy and Kesha in the hope I will buy their music so he doesn't have to! No such luck sunshine. We do have some cross over points but not enough so he can get out of weighing up options and deciding which artists is in his No 1 spot and his next purchase. Decision making and economics all important lessons from childhood!

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