
My absolute absorption in this flower sitting on the dining room table....close to the beginning! continues to pull me in! It's now into producing it's second stem with four more amazing flowers to begin opening! But I can't help but be captured by the light that is transmitted thro these petals, at the best of time, but now the first 4 are on their way out.....and i find them so beautiful! So once again, here's is my tribute to Ms Georgia O'keeffe!

In other news....I, or should I say we (terry being involved in this too) are impatiently (me mostly) awaiting the arrival of the new kiln.....we have everything prepared, the old kiln is ready to be moved out, the shelving unit is dismantled so we can use the big doors for the delivery.....but still nothing!!! they promised delivery today...which is now almost over....well not quite, it's only 2.30pm....but you can see how impatient I am feeling!

Meanwhile, i'll head over to the studio and continue working. is now after 5pm....the kiln didn't get here's my mini rant....(i don't often go this route)....why can't service folks think about the impact their services have on the rest of us....i canceled a class this morning, put everything on hold, expecting them to show up today, because that's what they told me!!! then when i finally tracked the transporting company, i was told they couldn't find the right kind of truck to make the delivery! well, hello, isn't that their job and would it have been that difficult to just give us a i suggested, rather firmly...they they call me sharp, monday morning and give me a time of delivery! grrrrrrr..... end of rant....

have a wonderful friday night....we're off to a 'dapper' (the hosts description!) dinner this evening....that should be fun!!!

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