Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Early morning calm

We lazed around so long at Chiang Doa yesterday I missed the bus! So I came back to the farm and woke up at dawn to catch the local produce truck back to Chiang Mai.

I've decided to come back for a workshop Peggy and Jo are putting together in mid February before leaving Thailand. I know a lot about sustainable living styles already but there is always something more to learn, always much more really. This time I want to focus on adobe earthen building which they specialize in here. Just one more step in making my own life dependency neutral and self sufficient one day. One more step towards my own dream of a beautiful farm and home.

For now, I have gotten no work or research done for my film and magazine work! So I'm returning to the land of internet in Chiang Mai for the week. I'm willing to leave only because I know I'll be coming back soon to breathe in these early morning calms.

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