Eat for fun

Dutch style crepe pancakes savory with bacon and onion, or sweet with banana and chocolate. Wok fried chicken wings with thai basil and chilies. A whole papaya carved up. Pasta with fresh vegetables and pesto sauce. And lets not forget the chocolate mousse here folks...

It seems like all we've done at Chiang Dao is cook and eat. It was no different for breakfast this morning snapping this shot. It is no wonder we feel so sleepy and content here, barely staying awake from a food coma. Zonk...

Reluctant to leave our hammocks and bamboo bungalows under Chiang Doa mountain we finally had to pack it up today, but not before exploring a famous temple built into the side of the mountain, known for a famous monk in these parts.

Leafy green spiralling up through the karst limestone cliffs of the mountain the stairs went. Bougainvilla, tall fig trees, and ginger parade up leading the way. Posted here and there are chimerical buddhist phrases posted onto trees stopping you mid step to ponder. And at the top huge naga serpents frame the final steps to the shrine for the famous monk interred here. While below a cave carved naturally out of the limestone hides golden buddhas and a plethora of monk photos on the walls.

Kneel down and pray for a moment. Listen to the temple bells rebound through the caverns. And look out from the holy mountain of Chiang Doa!

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