
By Fi

Hoi An

The best stop so far on our Vietnamese adventure. Hoi An is really really nice, full of character and charm. The Old Town is a World Heritage Site so there are no high-rise monstrosities to blot the landscape.

The word of the day: SHOPPING!! Oh yes, we're in our element! Vicky has bought a salad bowl that she's been umming and ahhing about since HCMC and we were in the tailor's within two hours of getting off the bus this morning. The journey from Nha Trang was fine - the roads weren't particularly great but we had chair - beds on the double decker and managed to get a few hours kip!

Anyway - off for fittings and more wandering now. No doubt more shopping too! (This entry was deleted by the moderators for not having exif data - a technical blip, so trying to remember what I wrote last night!)

Meeting Barbra and Ville (Dutch and Finnish dive buddies) for supper this evening, somewhere along the river-front. Should be nice!

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