Diamonds and Rust

By diamondsandrust


I've been looking after a 2-year old (my grandson) most of the day, and forgotten how tiring they can be. The photo is of a brief respite when we sat on the sofa and watched some rugby (I'm not a big rugby fan, but he appears to be!).

His new baby brother was born yesterday, and I took care of the older one until mother and baby were discharged from hospital this afternoon. The pleasure and excitement I've felt at becoming a grandfather took me completely by surprise a couple of years ago. Now, second time round, it's not a surprise but still a great delight.

Still high tides and high winds here. The waves were crashing right across the Prom and the road to the opposite pavement this morning.

Tonight I'm looking forward to a quiet evening with a curry, some telly, and a newspaper.

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