
By SomeGuyInNJ

No Mr. Bond I expect you to die.

Not much happening today. Freezing rain this morning turned to rain and wind this afternoon. Miserable looking day.

Didnt have much in the way of photos to blip with so I thought I'd see what was in the kitchen to photograph. On part of the countertop I found cheap orange plastic water pistol. This reminded me of Joes blip the other day of the orange plastic knife and fork. The simplicity of the shot and the plainess of the black background interested me, Joe was kind enough to share the way he did it so I thought I'd try a similar orange plastic on black kind of shot.

I didnt have any black card or any matte black around to use as my backdrop so I decided to use the black granite counter top itself. Light was provided diagonally by the kitchen spot lights. As standing at the countertop puts those behind me I had to stand to the side and do one of those weird stand normally and focus then step all of yourself to the side leaving your camera hands behind arms twisted ina silly way to avoid blocking the light kind of poses... What? thats not a standard pose... damn... its just me looking stoopid then... Like Joe I underexposed to get rid of any detail on the countertop. In Photoshop I popped the gun onto another layer and prodded and poked the background a bit to smooth it out. A couple of little spots of glare from the kitchen light were removed using the clone stamp.

For some reason when I picked up the gun when I first found it on the counter top the line "No Mr. Bond I expect you to die" popped into my head, no idea why, but it seemed kind of suitable so it became todays title.

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