Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

Temporary Fence and Permanent Decay?

This shot is of what was to be a beautiful seven-unit condominium with a commanding view of our bay and its airport. Apparently, the money ran out before completion of the project, and weather took its toll.

In reaction to trespassing and vandalism, a portable concrete-footed chain link fence and 'No Trespassing' signs went up, but the unheated interiors have still no doubt suffered mold from dampness, and recovery is unlikely at this point.

Oh, that some enterprising soul would take hold of this property (legally, of course) and revive it into the asset that it never got to be, or tear it down and give the view back to the living occupants of the modest houses behind it.

Of course, they'll have to deal with the denizens of the wild-growth that surrounds the condos!

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