Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

Mom's New Glasses

With people getting sick and dying right and left, I find solace in those who live, even if they sometimes decide to re-live.

After having the cataract fixed in her left eye, I promised my 91-year-old mom a first class long drive in the country as soon as we picked up her new glasses after the eye healed.

So today, in weather ranging from icy rain to stampedes of big sloppy snowflakes, we picked up her glasses at the optical lab and off we went. As can be seen from the photo the scenery was a blur, but we got to experience an hour and a half of it, and it was good.

"These new glasses don't fit!" "I'm going to have to get different frames!" "I can't see any better than I could before!" changed over the miles to "I suppose they're not that bad. Maybe I can get used to them after a while."

The truth is that after years, she's reading again, and actually started a knitting project this week. It's true what 'they' say about bicycling - and knitting; The skill never leaves you.

It's tough after such a long time of growing out of habits due to a worsening disability (in this case, ever-thickening cataracts) to pick up those habits again after the disability has been removed. But the dear lady has made an appointment for the preparatory work to have her right eye done as well.

91 may be older than a lot of people live, but 91 is not an excuse to stop living.

At least not today.


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