Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Belfast's Next Top Model?

Out shooting again today - yay! I really feel like I don't get enough time these days to get out with my camera, I need to make more time for myself. Today I had the pleasure of doing a test shoot with an aspiring model - Orlagh Flynn - in Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park in Belfast. It was just a short photoshoot, one hour, but I was really impressed with her. She's got a great look, some fab poses and I look forward to working with her again. It was also good to get the old 135mm out today, I had terrible thoughts about selling it last week but I realise now it was just a fleeting moment of madness - yes the 100mm macro is stunning, has IS and is more versatile, but nothing beats this baby for portraits!

I also gave the 24-70mm its first proper run out, if you'd like to see more photos, I've put a load of them up on my blog :)

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