The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Tea and Toast

It's been snowing most of the morning here. Snow is usually my best excuse for locking doors, shutting curtains and cozying down with a good book or a movie, but my mum is poorly and *needed* lucozade. Stat. Callum and I did the good daughter/grandson job this morning and then headed back to Meldrum to pick up Ella from nursery. The kids had a great time splashing in all the puddles and soaking themselves to the point where they both needed to change their trousers when they got home.

They're now cuddled up on the sofa together watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I think we'll do some painting or maybe some play-dough this afternoon but for now I'm happy to let them chill out whilst I surf the net for a wee while and enjoy this delicious combo: fish fingers on toast and a cup of strong tea. Masterchef it ain't but just the job for warming up on a fairly dreich day.

*Do you like my new toaster? I'm very pleased with it - four slices in one go? It means I no longer have to choose who gets toast first, thereby stopping any accusations of mummy favouritism when the kids are having their breakfast. And it is a very snazzy red.

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