The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Organised bl***y chaos

This is another (last ditch) attempt for me to be that kind of organised mum. You know the kind: always has homework done; gets kids to school on time; manages to remember to give dinner tickets; brushes kids' teeth etc etc...

Whilst I may be failing in the general "childcare" stakes, I thought I could make an in-roads in birthday card organisation! I have ordered heaps of different birthday cards and a birthday chart poster for the kitchen. Never again will I be late with cards - hoorah! I am also going to invest (tomorrow) in stamps. Because, really, the problem has never been in buying cards - it's always been in remembering to post them. But not this year...this year I shall be victorious (well, barring the two week delay in giving my father-in-law his birthday card).

And I've even put a dinner ticket in Hannah's bag for tomorrow. Organised or what?!

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