This day

By snapper

Back to work

Ach same old same old. Reports, more bloody froms to fill. God my life is one big form these days. Still trying to organise an event for the weekend but still getting problems as two stong willed folks battle it out and Im pig in the middle! What the Hell will see what happens when the actual event starts! May need to use all my charm to sort it this space!

Went to bed last night at 10.30pm and slept all the way through to 8...bliss.
Dogs flat out on the sofa sleeping though I have to say they havnt been out as much as they should as it was darned cold today. Day began with more of the white stuff followed by winds, followed by rain and finally a blink of sun. Yes Scotland can throw all four seasons at you in one day.

Should go out and thank the neighbours for looking after the rabbit etc and take them a bottle of plonk so musnt be lazy! but the fire beckons....

Needs must, once more to the breech
Quick blip grabbed on the way to the shops today

Have a good blip evening all

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