Maybe it's the fact that I was listening to the Darkstar album this morning or the fact that I've had Gorillaz' Glitter Freeze running round my head all day (that's the one that on record at least has Mark E Smith asking 'Where's north from 'ere ?" at the beginning) but I've gone a bit Northern today. Which is maybe not surprising, Yorkshire born and bred and all that.
S-l-o-w day with very little to report. Inside for most of it. Trip to the cinema in evening to see The Fighter at The Cameo, accompanied by fellow blipper not seeing straight. Movie was so-so (I agree with most of that review), chat and Guinness in the bar afterwards was lovely though.
[That Gorillaz at Glastonbury clip was one of my favourite musical moments from last year, it's the way Mark E Smith ambles on stage and gives that little wave to Mick Jones that cracks me up every time. Plus his singular gloved hand in tribute to Gene Vincent and his inability to find the right mic. Genius.]
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