Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Birthday boy

Hugo turned 15 and opened his cards over breakfast this morning.

He is preparing for a trip to Ladakh in the region of Kashmir near Tibet just north of the Himalayas. He is doing lots of jobs and saving as much as possible, so he is really pleased to be getting cheques from family and friends. It was quite amusing to see lots of cards but no parcels.

The trip is in April so he has a little time left, which will fly by in his hectic whirlwind life.

This is a trip organised by his school! When I was at school, the trips were to Hereford or Boulogne at most.

As is normal the photo had to be hurried and I couldn't fit all the cards in the frame - just in case anyone is viewing this who sent a card but can't see it!

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