Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

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This week is all about work, I'm so busy there's no time for much else at the moment - so I thought a work related blip would make sense!

This is my work pass, complete with Worcester Warriors lanyard so I can hang it round my neck - it is a nightmare if you forget or lose your pass at our place. I need to swipe it at a turnstile to get into the building, then again at the door to the office floor I work on. Even if I just want to pop to the Ladies from where my desk is, I have to use my pass twice. If you turn up without your pass, the receptionist can't just let you in, someone already in the building who knows you has to come down and sign you in. It doesn't get me onto all the floors in the building, just the one I work on.

It also operates the printer/photocopier so if you haven't got your pass, you can't print anything. It sounds a bit weird, but actually it works really well, as the printers are shared so it helps that nothing prints until you get there, swipe your card and then print and collect.

I don't like my photo on it so that side gets turned inwards, except for when I go to London as you have to show your pass there, as well as swipe it on the electronic door entry. I've also got it loaded with some cash as the London office is a no cash building so if you want to buy a coffee, you have to have one of these.

The lanyard was my secret Santa present from one of the team - so I thought I'd better use it in the office.

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