
By lifeandstuff


"I've found that worry and irritation vanish into thin air the moment I open my mind to the many blessings I possess."
?Dale Carnegie

I awoke this morning with a strange sense of clarity. Ok, no I didn't, I awoke with a slight fuzzy head after a couple of glasses of wine last night.... Then I had a coffee and a cigarette, and the clarity followed shortly after. I have no idea why. Just feeling very chilled, and feeling that everything will be fine, and will all fall into place at the right time. I used to have that attitude. Then a bit of stress got in the way. I hope it is here to stay! yaay!

Wee one perkier today. Even got a smile and an "I love you" which, after growling at me for three days was very welcome. Her wee red face has cleared and is now a lot happier. yaay! er.. again.

Other than that, not a lot happening today, work fine, nice to look out of the window and see a blue sky. A friend down the road has borrowed my camera to take some photos for his website. He has been away for an hour or so... I miss it.. I do hope he doesnt look through the photos and say "Why.... have you got a photo of a shoe?" or something equally odd. :D Ah well...

Todays photo was taken on the walk down to work. It was a nice morning.

Hope you are all having a nice day, and enjoying a li'l bit of sunshine. :) x

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