Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

You lookin' at me...?

.. I've seen loads of birds in the garden today; all the usual suspects.
I haven't had many spare minutes to play cameras though.

The plumbers have been finishing off...
... And have gone!!! (*Switches extractor fan on.. And off... And on..*)

All of the mayhem will soon be forgotten. (What mayhem??)

I'm reclaiming my territory. Faffing and tidging.
(The verb to tidge: according to Himself, is to busy oneself with trivia.
I've never heard anyone else use this expression).

The hen blackbird and chaffinch were both waiting for me to go away so that they could feed in peace. The blackbird was the braver, but only by a millisecond, and surprisingly, she seemed intimidated by the chaffinch.
It's not a great picture but I liked that both birds featured.
It was raining too. (Almost all day).

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