Reikes small life...

By Reike

Drops undecided to be frost

Cold in the morning, sunny and warm in the afternoon seems to keep on for a while.
The decision to cycle or to take the train in the morning took me ages. I am such a bad decision-maker...
I was told that you should make 10 decisions a day and even if some of these turn out wrong it's better than not having decided on anything at all. Like with blipping. I again asked someone today to help me with choosing my blip but now decided I will just go for the one that I think will do best (even when not the one I originally intended to blip...)

I have made some pretty poor decisions in my life. And I only have that one life (I think...). But one of them, buying my horse Farina, will always be my best one. Even when in between when she's sick or giving me trouble I sometimes think: Oh I wish I hadn't... But anyways, life is so much more worth with her.

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