Lali's World

By Lali

What is this? 11

As most of you guessed, yes, it was a heater/radiator pictured from above! :)

11th entry, only one more to go to finish my series! (My series only last 12 days, since 12 is my favourite number, with the exception of the Christmas one, where I tried to do like an advent calendar, but using Christmas pictures instead of chocolates, so of course I had to do 25!)

See if you can guess what this is!

I've been so busy that I still haven't come round to having a proper look at the functions in my new camera! Soon!

Today it was very quiet at work. Nothing really worth mentioning happened.

By the way, my recipe for a gluten free cake using no cow's milk actually came out really nice, and I'm proud of my achievement! The new challenge is to make a can of IrnBru with it! For those who don't know what's IrnBru, it's a bright orange soft fizzy drink very popular in Scotland, very good for hungovers! Picture of the cake to follow when it's finished, of course! :)

Have a nice evening!

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