Right Here Right Now

By katesphotos

Mummy's little soldeir

I have been a rubbish mum recently - I've been finding it really hard to juggle things like homework, spellings, storytimes and getting the stuff ready for school. It can be quite a challenge to do everything for two children on your own!

I am now making a better effort to be organised, I managed to help Evie with her spellings tonight, we sat on the sofa...nice and relaxed and went through them till she got 6 / 6

I think the always put in a fiddly word - tonight was 'Soldier' a word i've never been able to spell properly...I hope that particular skill has skipped a generation! We'll find out tomorrow I guess.

So here she is - putting loads of effort into her spellings...just like I am making the effort to be a better, more organised mum.

*I like to think she is not giving me the finger here

May you be blessed with serenity and a peaceful night and remember

"It's a damn poor mind that can think of only one way to spell a word!"

Andrew Jackson

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