
By angelicbrianne


As we walk along the concrete path we notice we are above water. It blows my mind to scattering pieces when I think about the fact we have such a passionate love for the waves beneath us but a fear unlike no other of the same waves hitting the sandy out line of our state. Does everything in life have a love/hate relationship?

We continued our walk until we hit the yellow caution tape and on the way to our wishing destination we spotted:

1. Interesting saxophone player and when asked to play something he was feeling he chose " somewhere, over the rainbow." music speaks louder words than a voice on an intercom.

2. Dedicated surfers who anticipated each aggressive wave and battled this wave until they could finally defeat it. The surfing concept is one I'm finally getting a better standing of.

3. Careless bikers who did not mind that the sign specifically said no riding bikes on the pier.

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