Bangkok Tattoo

By BangkokTattoo


Situated at 12,500 feet elevation (4000 meters), the pre-Incan temple at Chavin de Huantar is about 3000 years old. It was the hub of a utopian civilization that blended elements of the Amazon and the Andes. Archeologists are discovering cool aspects of the temple, like underground aqueducts that played musical sounds throughout the temple and a rock carved with depressions that match the configuration of the stars in the Pleiades constellation (a cosmic telephone??). Rituals involving powerful plant medicines were carried out in chambers deep inside. The heart of the temple is the powerful Lanzon.

A quote from Picasso - "Of all of the ancient cultures I admire, that of Chavin amazes me the most. Actually, it has been the inspiration behind most of my art."

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