
By Fisherking


Phew, what a week!

I've been like the proverbial blue-ar**d fly. A whole year group out on Work Experience and half of another year group on a work shadowing day. Timetables to construct for the 9 pupils not out all week and the 50% left in on Thursday, 5 sets of books to mark, a set of reports to write, lessons to teach and all the while hassle from staff who either, don't like my timetable, don't want to help things run smoothly or just don't understand plain English.

So, how did I do? Well, there's only 4 pupils left in school, who couldn't get placements, I've written my reports, marked 4 and a half sets of books and taught all my classes. I've posted the modified timetable for the second week of Work Experience, planned all next weeks lessons and not killed anyone...(yet).

Home tonight to a kitchen that looked like a hand grenade had been thrown in, so I sorted that. The Daughter cooked for us. The Boss is not well so she's gone for an early night, I've taken the Daughter out to her mates and now it's me time.

I have a glass of something alcoholic, a cigar, a film to watch and I decided to light the scented candles. Never one for sublety (unless it suits me) I went for the full set, and decided to kill two birds with one stone and blipped them. I know it's not the most exciting blip ever but what the hell, it's Friday night.

Tomorrow I might just try a portrait of one of the boys, or I might even go watch the Son and Heir play hockey and blip that, or something else, who knows.

I leave you with a classic from my sex education class with the 11 year olds this afternoon. Encouraged to write questions on bits of paper, no names no pack drill, I was faced with the classic...."Why do people want to do sex, isn't it all a bit messy?"

Answers on a post card please.

Das vidanya my friends.

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