
By Fisherking

...He goes by the name of.......

Wayne Rooney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Boss was not well last night, she went to bed early. When I climbed in beside her it was like climbing in beside a pootable gas fire, she was absolutely roasting hot! Five minutes I'd been there, just drifting off when a pale pink voice asked, "Can you fetch me some very cold water please?" So back out of bed, downstairs, run the tap, get some ice cubes, big glass of iced water.

Back into bed, about 30 minutes later, just in a light sleep, the Boss decided to get up and open the window! Eventually got to sleep. Woke at 4 a.m. absolutely sweating, the Boss was completely uncovered trying to keep cool and I was buried under a doubled over duvet!

More cold water requested and supplied but eventually I had to get out of bed and leave her to cool down and settle back to sleep. Let me tell you something, there's nothing worth watching on TV at 4.45 a.m.!

Back to sleep about 6 for a couple of hours and then up and face the day. Out to buy bait for tomorrow's fishing....don't know's supposed to be absolutely leathering down with rain so probably won't go.....but if we do, a different type of fishing....not a lake.....a canal.

At the fishing hut we took delivery of all the trophies from last years winners and stored them ready for this years Presentation. Took a shot of Henry posing with the Jubille Cup and the Club Champion's Cup, because he never wins any trophies!

Back home and it was just like last night, Boss in bed and Daughter out. Great! The big match in peace and quiet! Manchester Utd v The Noisy Neighbours. Not a classic game, but a great result, as you can see in my blip.
Football over, straight into Six Nations Rugby, England V Italy, another result England 59-13 Italy! Took the Boss some wholesome tomato and basil soup and mopped the fevered brow.Watched more rugby Scotland v Wales, think Wales won but not really bothered.

The Boss came down to be fed, so rustled up Cumberland sausage, potato wedges and just for me beans. Settled the Boss down to watch Casualty, went out to the garage to sort out tackle and bait for tomorrow, CSI in 10 minutes, then a reasonably early night.

Now that's what I call a bloke's Saturday!!! Might even have a drink with CSI.

Das vidanya.

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