
By murraymonster

Waiting at the Station

After a tough week, a chance to meet up with colleagues and an old friend.

Whilst kicking my heels at the station, it dawns on me that it is well over a year since our last gathering, which is poor! I have always had a massive amount of respect for Alan and tonight he demonstrates a grace which is both humbling and deeply moving. I have been a rubbish friend to him - not getting around to returning calls, forgetting to send Christmas cards etc. Despite all this, he greets me with warmth and sincerity. He enquires about my latest news without ever trying to impress me with his. There is genuine interest in my life and an obvious desire to offer whatever help and support he can. We reflect on the adventures we had and the scrapes we got into on work nights out and I resolve to not let it go so long until our next meeting. He even puts up with me waxing lyrical about the miracle of internet dating and how utterly besotted I am by Clare - he deserves a medal! :-)

I'm grateful to Alan for not giving up on me and persisting in his attempts to bring this circle of friends and colleagues together. He is a true friend and we all need more of those.

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