Planko's Pics

By planko

"Tax doesn't have to be taxing"

Song of the day

I got a letter from HMRC through the letterbox this morning. How come everyone dreads opening those brown envelopes?

Anyway, i had to double check and then triple check what i was reading, and then get Mrs P to check it as well.

It was the usual clear as mud guff from the revenue, so i called the "hotline", waited the compulsory 20 minutes to get through to someone, supply NI number, supply just about every other piece of personal information and then the lovely taxwoman on the end of the phone confirmed that it was indeed correct, HMRC would be sending me a very large and juicy cheque in 14 days time, as I'd significantly overpaid tax a couple of years back for two whole years.

I think i made her day, rather than the usual complaints she actually had someone who was genuinely happy to have spoken to her. I must be one of the lucky few people for whom this new computer system is actually working for, rather than clawing back even more money :)

Now all i need is the lottery to come in tonight, and to receive a phone call I've been waiting for on Monday morning and life will be perfect...


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