
By schlimm


It's undoubtedly getting warmer when the sun is out and this morning coming back from swimming I found these daffodils that had pushed their way up through the old brown heavy leaves covering them. Only a week ago they had only just appeared! Next week will some of them already be in bloom?

I seem to like all the seasons but I particularly like this time of the beginning of signs of spring appearing. Little tiny green leaves appear on the bushes and the daffodils and tulips are following suit.

Together with a friend we decided to move a pew from church to my kitchen. The car was an old Land Rover. We parked it very short-term across someone's drive and as luck would have it the person needed out of her drive when we had got the pew into the Land Rover. However, the Land Rover being old it decided not to start when we wanted it! Well, together with my friend we were able to push it back by about a meter to let the lady out of her driveway. It finally decided to move again when it was started with a lever inserted in the engine. I want to learn more about the mechanics of engines, very fascinating indeed!

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