
By schlimm

Tulips again...

This is really a follow-up blip of this one. Although even in their nearly gone stage they still looked interesting these tulips had to go. A quick blip before the bucket produced this. Strange to think that they looked so different before.

I was reading about the frenzy of tulip bulbs in the 17th century in Holland where one merchant refused to sell one of his six bulbs for a little fortune. They are very beautiful flowers and one of my favourite flowers but to pay the price of a small flat for one bulb? Madness! Just shows you how it doesn't really matter what people invest in, they will always go mad and spend too much on something of not that much value and eventually the bubble bursts and there's a recession only to start all over again. I'm glad I've not got money to invest so I'm not tempted by anything.

Had two hours to myself, spent them reading my book, drinking Lapsang tea and listening to Carla Bruni (?!?) in a coffee shop around the corner. Dare I say I actually liked the music and when hearing who it was had to rethink but decided that despite her choice of husband her music still was worth listening to...

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