Lali's World

By Lali

A smiley couple.

Thanks for all your nice comments about my self portrait. It's a rare thing, believe me. Since I don't think I'm very photogenic, I tend not to take pictures of myself very often.

Today I decided to take the picture of this large print of a happy couple hanging from the side of St. James Centre, because I wanted to express my thoughts on Valentine's day, coming up tomorrow.

I'm not really too enthusiastic about Valentine's day on two counts: First, I'm single, and secondly, I think Valentine's day is just another excuse to make people spend more money. I suppose, if you really love somebody, you have 365 days a year to express it in different ways, so you don't really need a set day in the calendar as an excuse to do so. In any case, I don't have anything against people who enjoy celebrating it.

I personally prefer what happens in St. George's day (Diada de Sant Jordi) in Catalonia, where loved girls get red roses and loved guys get books. Well, girls can get books too, so it's even better for us :)

I didn't have a great day today, so I'm glad work is over. This evening I'm planning to finish the IrnBru cake. Wish me luck!

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